Saturday, March 15, 2008


So, while in the health center to get a flu test, this wonderful lady comes into the room.

"OK Alison Harman, we're going to do a flu test. Now what I'm going to have you do, ladybug, is [blah blah blah, flu tests are slightly gross and uncomfortable.]"

But so wonderful. 'Ladybug' was a recurring theme. Then she gave me orange juice.

I highly recommend the health center on a Saturday. Much more lovely than usual.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Longest travel ever

I have been awake for 32 and a half hours. And it's been that long since I've showered. EW EW.



March 7th, Switzerland
11.00 Wake up, pack, say goodbye to cute Leo and Emma.
3.47 Catch train to Zurich
4.30 Arrive in Zurich, buy a baby iPod for the ride back.
6.00 Eat at Hiltl, which, opened in 1898, is Europe's oldest vegetarian restaurant. YEAH.
8.30 Meet Cary's friends and go to a pub called the "Twist," short for Oliver Twist. A very tall guy in a green shirt fell on me and sat there for a moment. Another not very drunk guy accidentally spilled beer on my new boots. Some drink called a "Snake bite" is aptly named. A British guy named Francis wore a starched white dress shirt, striped vest and pants, red tie and PEARL EARRINGS. Yeah, earrings.
March 8th, Switzerland, London, Boston, Raleigh
12.30 Catch a train to the airport
12.45 to 5.00 a.m. Spend the night in the creepy airport. This deserves its own timeline.
12.45 Creepy
1.00 Find a set of chairs to sleep on
1.30 After hearing Spice Girls, Lou Bega, that Venus song from the commercial, Britney Spears and N'Sync, we figure the airport personnel are attempting to make us leave.
2.00 Walk into the women's bathroom and see two people ***about*** to have sex. awwwwwkward.
2.15 Relocate to another part of the airport, plug in the computer in the chapel, download and watch Mean Girls.
5.00 Walk upstairs to check in, flight is cancelled.
6.00 Get a new flight, sit in the terminal.
7.10 a.m to 6.55 p.m. (plus six hours because of the time difference) TRAVEL
No Country For Old Men was playing on the plane. And it was edited, so I could watch it. YES. Though, really, I liked the book a lot better. I guess that's how it's supposed to be.

Travel in pictures

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Heagline goes here

Although I am most definitely in Europe, it hardly feels like it. Except that the z and the y are switched on the keyboard and it's really quite strange.

But I have done some things that are very Euro.

Here is a list for your reading pleasure:

Changed clothes in a graffiti-ridden train bathroom.
Jumped onto a train track and under a train so I could retreive my book.
Stayed in a hostel, which is so not like the movie.
Had a Thai beer in a Swiss-Thai restaurant.
Had gross cider in a creepy under-hostel bar thing.
Bought flat, brown boots.
Bought a loaf of bread and some cheese for lunch and ate it at a train station.

Here is a list of why I haven't realized my full Euro potential:

I do not speak a word of German, so I am forced to be one of those annoying American tourists who expects everyone to know English. Which they all do. But still.
I cannot ski, so while my stepsister is skiing the Alps, I am here, in the Happy Inn hostel, blogging.

Being over here makes me hate America for its ugliness and refusal to conserve land and energy. Also, for being stubborn and not instilling a popular, functional train system. Everyone here uses trains. All the time. Why don't we have them?!

There is a mountain in Interlaken called "Grindelwald." ZES!