Monday, February 18, 2008

Just My Luck

Last week, a series of unlucky events plagued Maggie's days. First there was the chocolate milk vs. purse incident, then the unfortunate ordering circumstance. The list went on, and every time she related a new one I could not stop laughing. Literally, I just kept laughing.

Here's why: every one of my weeks is composed of very unlucky things. They happen so often that I don't even think of them. Last week, however, was somewhat peaceful. Things went smoothly, I didn't die of stress, I was less clumsy than usual. It was glorious.

The conclusion: I got Maggie's luck for a week. Unfortunately, she took it back Saturday night/early Sunday. I could tell because everything I touched just about broke.

Here are some unfortunate things that have happened, just today:
  • I got three hours of sleep because I didn't have time to study for my LA history test, and I'm having to do it now.
  • I tried to brush my hair with my toothbrush.
  • I put my hairbrush under the faucet because I thought it was my toothbrush, even though the two are clearly different.
  • I spent an hour reading 10 pages of my LA history book that I didn't even need to study. It's the part about colonies gaining independence. Hello, my test is about independence and beyond.
  • People here are sneezing a lot, and listening to really bad music very loudly.
  • Had an awkward run-in with an ex-writer.
  • Who thinks it's a good idea to sort out their personal life in the library? I hate you.
  • I had to leave the library because it was too loud. The LIBRARY. Then I went and sat in a freezing cold classroom and studied.
  • I failed my Italian quiz, I know it.
  • My cell phone went off in Latin. Very, very loudly. It took forever to find it, and then I pulled it out just in time for the line, "I got raging drunk with --". The guy sitting next to me laughed [at me].
  • Oh hi, AT&T. Thanks for dropping my interview with the director of admissions -- twice.
  • I'd forgotten what it was like to BS essays -- I haven't written any in so long!
    • Identify and give the significance for the War in the Pacific.
      • Oh hell, I've never heard of that. I'm guessing it was on the Pacific coast. Here is what I wrote: The War in the Pacific, like so many other events, caused a rift in Latin American trade. Commerce was almost brought to a halt, as in Brazil, where farmers stopped growing crops. There was little trade among the Pacific coast as well as from the Pacific coast to Europe.
            • "Like so many other events"?? WHAT.

1 comment:

MagAttacksYou said...


i think our luck has almost completely switched back since i signed up for the room i wanted in my sorority house and got on the belize trip (i think!) BUT i did shatter my favorite mug this morning, so maybe it hasn't completely transfered to you yet!