Friday, April 18, 2008

A bit about lately.

It's been a while since I've sat down and written in this thing. There's not too much to say, really, except that last week I clocked in at only 30 hours. That's down a good 15 from the weekly average of March! It's very exciting.

The weather is lovely. Tomorrow will be quite warm. I'm walking to Cameron Village in the morning to cash my check, since I believe I've got two cents in my bank account. I'm not joking -- I think it's two cents. Hopefully it will also be lovely tomorrow and not windy, and I can go to Starblocks and get some coffee.

Mostly I'm just very excited for this summer. I've got a job, although I don't know the specifics yet. I've got some classes, which will suck. I've got a place to live, which is cute and looks like:

I've got a massive cat to keep in said apartment.

I've got some time to sit down and think about the section. The sister is graduating and giving the poet laureate speech; then she's off to debutanteland!

This summer will be so very wonderful.

  • Days to go: 15
  • Classes: 14
  • Exams: Three
  • Term papers: Two
  • Presentations: One
  • Issues: Six