Sunday, December 16, 2007

A cuppa chai, a cuppa f's

Tomorrow is winter break. That's really quite hard to believe since it hasn't felt like Christmas at all. Occasionally, the tree lights at Cameron Village or the Hanukkah tree in Witherspoon or the snow falling outside (OH, WAIT) or drinking chai tea in Starbucks with Christine will fan the Christmas embers. But rarely.

Which brings us to Chrismas break -- tomorrow. I'm not packed, I'm not prepared for my Genetics exam. Hell, I'm not even prepared for today, though fourteen and a half hours of sleep should have done the trick. 

Last year (almost every blog post must tie back to last year, I guess) I'd been packed for a week. I'd gone to my grandparents' house, dropped half of my luggage off, and headed out immediately after my exam. I don't even think I went up to the room first. Last year was a certain kind of hell.

So why doesn't it feel like Christmas? I have some theories.
1. It doesn't even feel like winter, though I suppose technically it's really not.
2. Exams. 
3. The holiday music in stories is really lame and electronicy.
4. There is no time to think about a holiday that's half a month away when you're running on two hours of sleep and need three cups of coffee just to stay alive.

Even exchanging gifts -- excluding the secret gift exchange, which felt very Christmasy, probably because of the Santa hats -- felt more like here have this present I wrapped rather than oh yes! It's that time of the year again

Could it also be that Christmas has finally tilted from Jesus' birth toward consumerism? We all knew it was coming, but I wonder if the scales prove it. Christmas is supposed to feel somewhat like a month-long hug, or at least like being wrapped in a soft blanket for a month. Now it just feels cold and unloving. Jesus liked to give hugs; merchandise is the epitome of unloving (we love it, surely, but it doesn't love back.)

Now I just feel depressing. Maybe I head to Global Village and study there -- coffee shops are more study-inducing than dorm rooms. 

I am all about placing perception over reality today!

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