Thursday, December 27, 2007

HDTV = <3

All the Brit actors are in the same movies. Cute little lovesick boy, Colin Firth and Emma Thompson in "Love Actually" and "Nanny McPhee," Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman in "Love Actually" and "Harry Potter," Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh in "Harry Potter" and "Much Ado About Nothing."

At dinner, I suggested we go see Juno -- I've heard both good and bad, and though the sources who deliver the bad reviews are more reliable [Gawker], both Michael Cera and Jason Bateman bade me to give the movie a chance.

"What's the movie about?" asked my grandfather.
"This girl gets pregnant, and that's about it."
"Let's just take a trip to the local high school," he said, and paused. "Well, they don't serve popcorn there..."

My grandfather really is a most hilarious man.

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