Monday, December 31, 2007

Good-bye, 2007!

2008's going to knock on the Atlantic coast in about two hours, so I figure it's the perfect time to go over the high- and lowlights of 2007, excluding national and international tragedies -- I think the NYTimes has got that down pat.
  1. New and old friends. Anyone thinking of the Girl Scouts song?
  2. I'll lump all things Harry Potter into one: HP7, HP5movie, and Dumbledore being gay.
  3. Abby's roommateship. This should probably be higher since she puts up with a lot. Thanks girl! Let's stay angelly fish roommates forever.
  4. The discovery of Arrested Development -- again, thanks girl!
  5. My new outlook on life. Hopefully we'll see more of that in 2008.
  6. My job. Even though I gripe a lot, I enjoy it.
  7. The beautiful view outside our window.
  8. Chai tea.
  9. Avett interview!

  10. My family. Although they're insane, I'd go crazy without them.
  1. My bank account. That was the ultimate low.
  2. 1.778 GPA. I've got to do better this coming semester. Let's shoot for straight As?
  3. Writer's strike. Not the writers, the corporations. Hey, let's fix this. How do you expect me to function properly when I don't know what's happening with Jim and Pam?
  4. Avent Ferry.
  5. My average hours of nightly sleep. I hate insomnia, let me sleep.
  7. No snow. At all.
  8. My closet space. Such a small closet for so many clothes.
  9. My summer job. No windows. Grey cubicles. Grey desks. Grey carpet. Grey walls. Grey women. OK jk on the last one, but by this [ - ] much.
  10. The fish -- the lovely Yogurt, Neruda and Bob. Oh Bob. We had him almost a week. We named him Bob because he swam around going, "BOB. BOB. BOB." They just kept dying. Like the rabbits.
  • Oh, hey president-elect! Let's make that choice a good one, to make up for that last mistake... who we voted for twice.
  • Alternative energy?
  • Apartment time!
  • HEY will our new president have a heart? Will we get out of Iraq? Will we invade Iran? Will we help fight the root of African civil warfare (oh right, that was the Dutch.) Will we fight the Dutch?
  • HEY will our new president have a brain? Will we get out of Iraq? Will we invade Iran? Will we help fight .... ok.
  • Will these commercials improve?
  • Will Congress get off its ass and do something?
  • What's going to happen in Pakistan?
  • Does democracy work?
  • Will I get an internship, or will I end up Technicianing and taking summer classes?

So long, 2007. 2008, I hope you're kick-ass.


MagAttacksYou said...

i'm glad that bank account of yours clarifies that those were 4 U.S. dollars. I thought they might have been Swiss. I'm still holding strong at $9.78!!! Until mid January....agh

meredith leigh harman said...

i demand credit for those photoz

just kidding